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New OSHA guidelines emphasize PPE that combats heat stress

When products are designed for protection, they perform a crucial, potentially life-saving function. From helmets to car seats, protective gloves to paragliding harnesses, impact protection products are designed first and foremost to reduce the risk of injury and even fatalities. But next-generation products, developed with advanced impact technology, can take product design a step further, providing not only reduced risk of injury, but also an enhanced user experience.

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What is Human-Centered Design? A Look Inside KOROYD’s Design Philosophy

When products are designed for protection, they perform a crucial, potentially life-saving function. From helmets to car seats, protective gloves to paragliding harnesses, impact protection products are designed first and foremost to reduce the risk of injury and even fatalities. But next-generation products, developed with advanced impact technology, can take product design a step further, providing not only reduced risk of injury, but also an enhanced user experience.

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How to reduce heat stress on the job

Heat Stress: The Benefits of Purpose-Designed Industrial PPE

Temperatures are dropping, but heat stress is still a top concern. In the aftermath of record-setting temperatures this past summer, including what’s been reported as the hottest July and September on record, it is imperative that worker safety is prioritized to address the risks of heat stress and offer solutions to minimize the occurrence on job sites.

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Snow Season, Equipped by KOROYD

KOROYD has a long heritage in the sports industry, not only advancing the standard of protective solutions for those who take their passions to new heights, but also developing human-centered designs that allow for a new level of performance. With KOROYD, you know you’re protected and your performance is accelerated, so go ahead–move with confidence.

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