");background-position:50%;background-size:11px;background-repeat:no-repeat;transition:all .3s;transform:rotate(-180deg)}.gt_float_switcher .gt-selected .gt-current-lang span.gt_float_switcher-arrow.gt_arrow_rotate{transform:rotate(0deg)}
Going beyond traditional impact protection, KOROYD has innovated a best-in-class solution engineered to change the way you feel when wearing body protection. This has been achieved through new research and a new understanding of how you really move when riding your bike.
Biomechanics, bike geometry, suspension dynamics, terrain interaction and energy transfer have all been scrutinised as part of a holistic approach that treats you and your bike as a complete system.
This has led to a new range that not only delivers excellent body protection but also achieves levels of rider comfort and mobility previously thought to be unattainable – until now.
Next-generation material technology has resulted in a soft, pliable protector so lightweight, slim and comfortable that you won’t even notice you’re wearing it.
CE Certified
Level 1 & Level 2
The only thing
you’ll feel is the